Monday, April 18, 2011


It stormed today. I thought it was an earthquake, but really our apartment building just has easily aggravated ceiling tiles. I did realize this relatively quickly, although I’m still not sure whether or not it was a particularly large storm, or if the quake-like feel was just a result of the not-so-rugged building standards. Judging by the fact that Pavia’s bed is now drenched with rain and there are paint chips, dried leaves, and an unidentifiable substance scattered about our living room floor, I’d say maybe a combination of the two.

Here’s a picture of what happened when our patio chair tried to commit suicide over the balcony and Pavia went out to save it, prompting chaos: flying artwork, slamming doors, possessed window curtains, etc.

Sorry for the tease, but the picture wouldn’t upload.

Thus far, this is the third Havana windstorm we’ve managed. The first one came without rain and lightning, but was definitely more eventful, as we were downtown when it hit. I was laugh-crying the whole time because, for one, all of the dust particles of the city were in my eyeballs and secondly, it was hilarious. Hilarious in that oh shit this is dangerous kind of way. The trees were basically parallel to the ground. Flexible little things. Car parts spontaneously detached from the cars and were bouncing down the street. One car’s hood popped all the way up, completely obstructing the driver’s windshield. Although apparently for him, being able to see the road is just in the trivial details, because he drove on. At this point, my eyes were trying to expel the sand particles with a stream of tears, and some plastic bags had assaulted my shins and would not let go. You realize how much pollution there is in this city when it’s all flying at your face. The funniest and strangest part was that we were the only ones who seemed to acknowledge the chaos. Habaneros are tough.

I’m hoping more storms ensue before my departure, for the excitement they guarantee and a break from the merciless heat.

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